Why Bad Men?
Over 1 Million Men Are affected by bipolar disorder
6.2% of men experience a major depressive episode
We exist to uplift men in their bouts of major depression.
Many men experience major depressive episodes without the manic episodes that are characteristic of bipolar disorder. These men may suffer similar negative outcomes and therefore need similar care and consideration. In particular, young men experience up to 5x more depressive episodes than older men and complete suicide up to 6x more frequently than their female counterparts.
Men with bipolar or depression are 2-4x more likely to perpetrate intimate partner violence
We exist to help loved ones help men with bipolar, anxiety & depression.
These mental illnesses often go undetected, undiagnosed, and untreated in men. Two factors are to blame: 1) men are less likely to seek help for mental illness and 2) male-type symptoms are not adequately captured by diagnostic criteria for major depression. And yet, so often anger, aggression, and substance abuse that leads to violent behavior is the consequence of underlying depression.
Bipolar and depression are stigmatized
We are here to prove that BAD Men are not bad men.
Men are expected to be stoic and emotionally resilient. A diagnosis of bipolar disorder or major depression challenge that identity, both internally and externally. Men who suffer from mental health issues like these are often stigmatized as being less than or a bad man. This stigma around mental health can lead to a lack of support, complicating their struggle with isolation and misunderstanding.
Purpose, perseverance, and community help cope
We believe these three pillars are key to alleviating the suffering of BaD Men.
Finding purpose and a reason for living is paramount to combatting the overwhelming despair that comes with episodes of major depression. Similarly, establishing healthy habits that keep men grounded is a great defense against the temptation to give into impulse during manic episodes. Finally, being part of a community of other BAD Men who uplift one another reinforces the purpose and perseverance to survive and thrive through difficult times.